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Event Image
Join us as we create a gallery of our Vermont CSTA members as CS Heroes. Enter your Looking Backwards / Leaping Forward Story as a way for creating a picture of Vermont educators supporting Computer Science. Please take a few minutes to add your story to our #VTED #CSEdWeek Google Slide Gallery.
We invite you to join other Vermont educators as we showcase how Vermont schools support computer science education! 
Add your story to our Looking Back - Leaping Forward Story Gallery

Let’s Celebrate our members as CS Heroes in Vermont! 

Looking Back Leaping Forward graphicYes,  We’re talking about you! 

Add your story to our CSED Week
Vermont CS Heroes Gallery!

Tell us how you are involved in computer science in your school,
along with a memory from your first involvement with computer science. 

We’d love to feature you in our daily shout outs during CSED Week!

Participation doubles your chance for winning prizes in our daily CSEdWeek drawings.