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Create & Code an Interactive Experience using Scratch featuring characters and themes from the book - Who's Afraid of the Light. Two ways to participate : (1) As an educator PD experience - create confidence integrating CS with literacy (2) With students grade 4 - 6. Scaffold students through the project. All Participants will receive Challenge Cards, Teacher/Student Guide, and Links to Starter Projects and Solutions.
Computer Science Inspired by Literature
Are you an elementary teacher or librarian who would like to integrate computer science with literacy? Then join us during Computer Science Week for a series of mini-lessons using Scratch that will introduce you to computer science concepts as you build an interactive experience to accompany the children's book "Whose Afraid of the Light".   

Free for Vermont CSTA members.

You can participate in one of two ways. 

Option 1:  Complete the challenge as a PD experience to create confidence with Scratch and learn a workflow that can be used to engage. your students with the book while learning computer science concepts.  Teachers will receive PD certificate of participation as well as Challenge Cards, Student/Teacher Guide, and links to Scratch Starter Projects and Solution Project.  

* Complete the mini-lessons and receive PD certificate for 5 hours. 
* Complete the mini-lessons plus bonus challenges and receive 10 hours PD Certificate.
* Additional 5 hours of PD certification available for those who followup with evidence and reflection of implementing the projects with students.  
Option 2: Guide a group of students through the project.   This project is aimed at students grades 4-6, but could be completed by grade 3 students with extra scaffolding.   One options could be to have older students create the interactive experience for reading buddies from younger grades.  They could use drawings from younger learners to code the experience and use reading buddies as authentic audience for their Scratch projects.   If working with students, you could kick off the challenge during Computer Science week and introduce the challenges to your students over time instead of once a day during CSED week.
A new mini-lesson will be released each day during Computer Science Education Week.

The mini-lesson will start with a challenge that includes a tasks to complete with a blocks of code.  The blocks of code will be pulled out in a Scratch Starter Project.  Beginners can follow step by step instruction to complete the tasks.  Students with experience can use an inquiry approach and attempt to  complete the challenge tasks on their own.    They can compare their project to "A possible solution" Scratch project. 

Bonus Challenges using Makey Makey or Microbit and Scratch available for those interested in a physical computing extension to this project.

