Vermont Computer Science Teachers Association
Welcome to DAY 2 of CSED Week 2023
Throughout the week, we will be introducing you to Vermont CSTA Chapter Leaders and Advisory Board and their favorite resources for inspiring students to learn computer science. 
We invite you to also share your favorite resource or OTHER highlights  of how you engaged students with computer science throughout the week to include in our CSED daily highlights.

Meet Vermont CSTA Advisory Member 
Nora LaCasse

"I love using Turtle as my introduction to Python. We start with using for-loops and variables to draw simple shapes, then move to using conditional statements to build mandalas, and finally use functions to create a checkerboard. Students then have the chance to design their own scene using everything they’ve learned. It’s a great opportunity to discuss writing efficient, thoughtful code as well as celebrating creativity" 

Example on replit →

Meet Vermont CSTA Chapter Leader
Kristen Wilson
"Try this Intro to Command line Lesson Plan

This lesson provides students with a detailed, hands-on opportunity with the Linux Terminal (often referred to as “command line” or powershell, which is a similar Microsoft offering), practicing some basic commands before building up to installing games, web browsers and graphical tools.

Students are not expected to have any prior knowledge of the Terminal.

The core lesson may take about an hour, with some extra opportunities at the end for the quick student.

Level of Instruction: Advanced middle school; high-school.

Applicable Concepts: GenCyber Cybersecurity Concepts, Defense in Depth, Availability, Confidentiality, Think Like an Adversary, Integrity, Keep it Simple.

This guide is written based on students using Raspberry Pi computers. It can be easily adapted to any computer or virtual machine running Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian or NOOBS)."