We'll have one last prize drawing tonight from everyone who participates today!  
1) Sign up or Renew your membership
2) Share how your school participated to our Padlet
3) Add a Google Slide to our CS Heroes stories
4)Sign up for a free mini PD: CS Inspired by Literature using Scratch 
(Details Below) 
New Prize Winners on CSedWeek Day 5
Daily Prize Drawing during CSED Week

Two Drawings Each Day during CSED Week! 
* Drawing 1 from our Vermont CSTA member list.
Join or Renew Today
       Day 1 Winner - Caty Wolfe (Amazon Gift Card)
       Day 2 Winner - Annie Brabazon (Micro:bit)
       Day 3 Winner - Charlie MacFadyen
                           (Brown Dog Gadget Gift Certificate)
       Day 4 Winner - Tina Smith- Codable Circuit Board
       Day 5 Winner - Keeley Schell - Amazon Gift Card
* Drawing 2 from our #VTED who participate in @CSEdWeek (See Options below)
       Day 1  Winner - Jennifer Mitchell (Amazon Gift)
       Day 2. Winner - Carol Rowell (Micro:bit)
       Day 3  Winner - Tony Galle 
                          (Brown Dog Gadget Gift Certificate)
       Day 4 Winner - Nora Connolly-
                                Codable Circuit Board
       Day 5 Winner - COULD IT BE YOU??
Congrats to Nora Connolly
You Won a Codable Circuit Board
Day 4 Winner from those who participated in a CSED event this week.
Congrats to Keeley Schell
You won an Amazon Gift Card
Day 5 Winner from our Membership List Drawing
Welcome to CSEdWeek Day 5
Welcome to the last day of Computer Science Education Week!  
Each day we showcased Vermont Schools who are participating in CSED Week.   You have ONE more day left to take part in our statewide celebration by sharing how your school is participating.  Click here to  SHARE Your School's participation and become eligible for our last Daily Prize drawings from Vermont CSTA from all who participated.  We'll spin for this prize at the end of the day and announce the winners on Monday and include highlights from the week. So go ahead and add a post of your school's participation to our Padlet
Thank you to Charlie MacFadyen, Jessica Wiloski, and Caty Wolfe for sharing how their students are participating in CSEdWeek
Celebrate CS Heroes in Vermont schools
Like Brucie Donahue from CVSU
Each day we'll share a story of one of #VTED CS Heroes.  Won't you add to our collection of stories!  Did we mention - there are PRIZES! 
Free PD: CS Inspired by Literature 
Register for a FREE Mini-Course Computer Science Inspired by Literature  featuring Red Clover Award book: Who's Afraid of the Light.  Sign up Today to receive new mini-lessons, resources, and tutorials each day this week.  Complete on your own schedule
Let's Grow Our #VTED #CSTA membership

As part of our CSEd Week activities, we would like to challenge each of you to  renew your membership or invite a colleague to join Vermont CSTA for free, then select Vermont as their chapter.  Become eligible for daily prize drawings! 

Please reach out to your librarians or tech integrators who do Computer Science with their students and ask them to join.  The more educators we can get involved the stronger CS will become in the state!

Daily prize Drawings from our membership list.