The free basic-level CSTA membership combined with Vermont chapter membership connects you to:
- A vibrant community of educators sharing resources, experiences, and best practices - Professional development opportunities, including Vermont-specific events - Access to curriculum resources, lesson plans, and teaching materials - Events where you can network with fellow educators who also support computer science in Vermont schools Plus, when you join during our membership drive, you'll be eligible for our CSED week prize drawings which include Amazon gift cards, circuit supplies, coaching cycles, circuit boards and robots you can code, and other teaching resources. Ready to join? Follow these steps at For more info, check out this helpful membership benefit chart. There is no charge for Basic CSTA membership or for Vermont Chapter membership. If you need help reach out to info@vermont or any of our chapter leaders. Together, we can strengthen computer science education across Vermont!
Do it now and help us Celebrate Computer Science in Vermont during CSED Week Dec 9 - 14. Did I mention Daily Door Prize Drawings during CSEdWeek for current and new members!